CoinMarketCap Accepts Kind Tokens as Payment
2018-08-03 22:31
CoinMarketCap Research
2018-08-03 22:31

To ensure that we continue to give you the most accurate and up-to-date data on crypto, CoinMarketCap is ad-supported, as many of you already know. However, we spend a great deal of time making sure that the ads you see are relevant, and optimizing user experience and ad performance through best practices.

As we continue to improve on our ad strategy and involve our users in understanding their needs, we have found many interesting advertising-based blockchain projects developing. We often research their pros and cons, and are active observers in how they may help our users to experience ads better, or even be rewarded as part of advertising ecosystems in the future — true to the spirit of blockchain. Even now, we’re always on the lookout for great ideas and implementations around the advertising blockchain space.

One of the projects that we have been paying attention to is Kind Ads. Their goal, to make the Internet more “kind” by making advertising more relevant for end users, is something that we relate to. With the advent of intrusive ads all around the internet, we believe that we can all contribute to making the internet a better place with relevant ads that reward both the advertisers and us as users.

The Kind network enables advertisers and publishers to be connected directly using traditional and innovative ad formats, meaning that advertisers can get direct access to publishers’ inventories, a win-win on both sides in terms of cost and access. As part of their model, users may also have greater control over their data and interests too.

So for a start, in addition to accepting payments for ads in BTC and ETH (and fiat), we will now also accept payments for ads in Kind Tokens.

Here’s to a brighter future in advertising for all of us: users, publishers, and advertisers alike!

Interested in advertising with us? Fill out your information here.

Originally published at on August 3, 2018.


CoinMarketCap Research


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