Whether Move the New Language is Comparatively Better?
Aptos Eden
2022-12-20 14:09

Whether Move the New Language is Comparatively Better?

Thank you, our host, Zebec Chain, Rootz Lab and TechHive DAO, thank you for inviting us Aptos Eden.

I am Kate from Aptos Eden.

In the new Layer 1 sector, star projects such as Aptos and Sui have obtained billions of dollars, and Move language is also regarded as a major force leading the innovation and development paradigm. So, I would like to share my opinion about "whether Move the new language is Comparatively Better".

The topic is more technically inclined, which might be a little boring, but rest assured, and I will try my best to weave Aptos Eden's advertisement along the way. This is also an assignment by our boss.

According to general speech routine, the first thing is to introduce its advantages. Of course, I am no exception, so I will talk about the advantages of Move.

Move itself is a programming language modified from Rust that was created by Facebook for developing customizable transaction logic and smart contracts for the Libra digital currency. We can summarize the features of the Move language as follows:

1. Move language is very developer-friendly

Move enables shared libraries, tools, and developer communities across blockchains. Move language is designed with an emphasis on security and is designed to prevent many Web3 users from suffering issues such as re-entrancy vulnerabilities, poison tokens and spoofed token approvals. Digital assets should also be treated as resources, which means they cannot be arbitrarily copied or accidentally destroyed.

For additional protection, Move can be aided by the Move Prover verification tool, which allows developers to write formal specifications for key features of their applications, and use validators to check that the code is performing correctly within 30 seconds.

In addition, Move allows developers to define custom resource types using semantics inspired by linear logic, allowing the creation of flexible custom access controls and custom resources that follow the concept of scarcity. These resources are anything that can store value, such as token.

Move's resource security is designed to ensure that resources are never copied, reused, or lost, and can only be moved between program storage locations. This prevents malicious individuals from copying existing assets or creating new ones without permission. Even Meta's now-defunct Libra currency is implemented as a custom resource with no special status in Move language. With these security guarantees, developers can build more easily without having to worry about ensuring security and scarcity because Move already has them built in.

2. Generic and static programming.

Moved ditched Solidity's "dynamic invocations" to use generic tools for efficient development, while ensuring that variables and expressions are checked for type correctness at compile phase, and contract bugs are intercepted at compile phase. This helps prevent errors and improves the reliability of your Move program. This technical concept may not be suitable for developers who use weak data type languages such as JavaScript or Python for a long time, but think about the rigor and security of the code that can avoid the loss of assets once it went on chain, I think it is worth trying, at least the compilation error message is good.

3. Formal verification ability.

In Solidity development, professional security organizations (such as, SlowMist, PeckShield), they verify contracts after completion. Move supports formal verification, which refers to the verification technique that mathematize the contract logic, and allows developers to prove the correctness of their programs using digital technology, which is currently the most widely recognized and secure verification mechanism. This is especially useful for applications that require high levels of security and reliability.

4. Resource-oriented programming.
In Move language, resources are defined as special types. Under the same time stamp, resources can only have one "master" and one state (existence or destruction), which fundamentally avoids the the attack methods such as unlimited increase and issuance, ownership ambiguity. During development process, "resources" must have clear values of acquisition and release. This also helps prevent common programming errors, such as memory leaks and resource depletion, and keeps the entire process safe, from development to delivery, end to end.

5. Distributed resource storage
In Solidity's smart contract, resources are stored "in series," so one simple hack, the entire assets involved in the contract would be compromised. However, in Move language‘s smart contract, resources are stored "in parallel", any data has its specific owner, hacker attacks can not cause the entire contract become invalid.

6. Built-in support for blockchain
Move includes built-in support for common blockchain concepts (such as accounts, keys, signatures), which makes it easier to build blockchain-based applications.

As we all know, the mission or vision of every language varies. For a good developer, there is only the right language for the current development needs, there is no good or bad language. They are just tools for building our Web3 world. Of course, Move is a relatively new language, so there's no denying that it certainly doesn't do as well in terms of technical support and its community as a mature language like Solidity. At the same time, we, Aptos Eden, are striving to become the most excellent Move language technical support and education platform. (a tiny small advertisement, let's continue to talk about the topic). Platform is always vital to building. Aptos is the first new famous public chain that uses Move language.

In terms of the compatibility of the native Move language and its Aptos framework, the Aptos blockchain natively integrates the Move language. Aptos and Move share many of the same core design principles, making Aptos a home for efficient and enjoyable Move development. Move was originally designed for the predecessor of the Aptos blockchain. This relationship ensures that current Move developers can build seamlessly on Aptos, and that new Move developers can benefit from previous Aptos documentation, guidelines, and examples, and of course they can learn from the Aptos Eden‘s Move development tutorial.

As for the network, Aptos leverages the advantages of the Move language, and the vision of Aptos is focused on improving the security and scalability of Layer1 to build an infrastructure network that can serve billions of people.

For high throughput networks such as Aptos, state synchronization between nodes can be CPU- intensive. This factor is often overlooked in blockchain design and is rarely discussed by projects.

To improve the performance of the network, Aptos redesigned its latest state synchronization protocol, which the team claims can verify and synchronize over 10,000 TPS with subsecond latency, and the network is on track to reach 100,000 TPS soon. Given that the verifier has executed transactions and proved the resulting blockchain state via Merkle proofs, nodes can rely on the state increment produced by the verifier, and skip the heavy work of transaction execution, allowing them to directly update the ledger state. Although this approach does come at the cost of increased network usage (about 2.5 times).

From the ecological point of view, many ecological applications based on Move language are currently under construction. Move was born for finance, with the maturity of the track, financial infrastructure such as DEX, DeFi and wallet will be the first to carry out, financial-related applications such as Socialfi and Gamefi will follow up.

As for the developer activity, since Aptos launched their devnet in March, more than 100 projects including Potem Network, Martian Wallet and Solrise Finance have joined and started building and testing on the network. Like any other start-up project, Aptos's Grant will attract more developers to build applications in its ecosystem.

At this point, I hope you will not ask me such questions as if Aptos is good or not, because I have already asked "ChatGPT" and it just told me "I'm sorry, but...". So far, Aptos has launched more than 100 projects, and with the launch of the Aptos Grant program, more projects are likely to be built in the Aptos ecosystem. Meanwhile, Aptos Move World Tour will start next year, and I believe there will be more creative projects.

In fact, no matter how strong the public chain or ecology is, it also need talent cultivation, so the following content is the focus.

A new development language and a new public chain, I think is mutually complementary. In addition to Turing complete, it also needs more talents. How to attract multi-chain technical talents and traditional Internet companies and organizations to be interested in Move language is also what we Aptos Eden are working on. We focus on blockchain development language education and are committed to help more friends who are interested in Web3 understand it and write their own dApps.
Since each and every student has a different level of knowledge about Web3 technology, so a simple entry point is ideal. If a student comes to you and asks you the basic question, don't laugh. Please answer it with patient. Only when fresh blood joins Web3 will it be more dynamic and innovative.

Aptos has also consistently emphasized that Move developers can build seamlessly on Aptos, and that new Move developers can benefit from previous Aptos documentation, guidelines, and examples. This is a good thing for new comer.

New public chain needs a long development process, and lowering the threshold of technical entry in the early stage is good in the long run.

Thank you very much for listening. I hope you all remember our Aptos Eden.


Aptos Eden


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