一周年啦!GreenPill 中文社区 HighLight 盘点
2023-06-08 18:56

Days are long, years are short —— 不知不觉之间,社区成立 1 周年了!起初,由几个怀揣着信念的年轻人翻译了《GreenPill》,点燃了思想与信仰的星星之火。自此,关于「公共物品」和「加密思潮」的思考和讨论在中文区再未停止。遥记得在大理的山野之间,对区块链抱有着深刻热爱的人们围坐在磐石边、泉水畔,确定了以哈伯马斯(Harbermas)的公共空间(public sphere)作为社区的主要定位。大时代的喧嚣和动荡下,理想者聚合在一起形成抵抗噪音的小小共同体。转眼一年的沉淀,在研究、翻译和研读里,度过了深度思考的漫漫时光。请跟随着我们一起回顾这一年的社区高光瞬间吧!


Highlight 1 

Translation of Greenpill & ImpactDAOs


🎙️ Lead:

Carol, Lauran

🗣 Contributors:

Zik, Survivor, K, Louis Yip, Will Cong(therealcjw), Zilong Meng, Chen, Alicia Ma, Zayn Rxx, doukooo, Lewis Liao,  DaMian, Jeanne Jin(jeannejin), Misaki, Roy Yu(Roy), Vera Ye, Knight Owen,York

First, translated by Carol and Lauran, GreenPill CN version attracted a group of like-minded partners. They participated in the review of future versions and established GPCN. Then, led by Carol and Lauran, translators were brought together as GreenPill Translation Group, finishing ImpactDAOs translation.

The two books were aimed at educating the public about the significance of public goods in web3. The translators, who were passionate about spreading knowledge, worked tirelessly on this project.

Thanks to the hard work of the translators, GPCN was able to print paper copies of the books and distribute them to the Chinese community free of charge. The books were well-received and helped spread the message about Greenpill and ImpactDAOs to a wider audience. The GitcoinDAO recognized the importance of this project and adopted the translated version as the official Mandarin edition.

Carol 和 Lauran 首先将《GreenPill》翻译成中文版本,吸引了一群志同道合的伙伴加入审核翻译版本的行列,随后成立了 GreenPill CN 社区。在 Carol 和 Lauran 的带领下,译者们聚集在一起,组成了 GreenPill 翻译组,后来又完成了对《ImpactDAOs》的翻译。

这两本书的目的是向公众普及 Web3 中公共产品的重要性。译者们充满热情地投入到这个项目中,致力于传播知识。在他们的辛勤劳动下,GreenPill CN 社区得以印刷纸质版书籍并免费分发给中国社区。这些书籍受到了广泛好评,将《Greenpill》和《ImpactDAOs》的信息传播给更广泛的受众。GitcoinDAO 认识到了这个项目的重要性,并将其翻译版本作为官方的中文版发布。

 Highlight 2 

Greenpill Bookclub Series


🤠 Sponsoring Organization: 


🎙️ Organizer:

Nicholas Hu, Yinan Mi, Carol, York

🗣 Speaker:

Terry Tien

The Bookclub series was a pivotal moment in Greenpill China's journey. Comprising of three episodes, this series was dedicated to scrutinizing the Greenpill book, drawing on a wide range of knowledge from various fields, including political philosophy and economics. Terry Tien, a political philosophy PhD from Tsinghua University, was invited as the guest speaker for the bookclub. The series was initially hosted in Beijing, with the audience also invited to join online. Later, the bookclub series was included in WAMO summer as a lecture and served as the opening for DeSoc Stage.

This bookclub series was very well received by the Chinese web3 community and managed to attract many like-minded individuals who went on to become the first batch of core members for GPCN.

读书会系列是 GreenPill CN 发展历程中的一个关键时刻。该读书会系列举办了三次,致力于带着思辨的眼光去研读《Greenpill》一书,涵盖了政治哲学和经济学等多个领域的广泛知识。来自清华大学的政治哲学博士 Terry Tien 被邀请担任读书俱乐部的嘉宾讲者。该系列最初在北京线下举办,并直播给了在线的观众。随后,在大理 WAMO Summer 的 DeSoc 营地上,该活动成为了当时的开营讲座。

这个读书会系列受到了一致好评,吸引了许多志同道合者加入到 GreenPill CN 的建设中。

 Highlight 3 

The Establishment of GPCN Treasury

GreenPill CN 国库的建立

🎙️ Lead:

Nicholas Hu

🗣 Contributor:

BigSong, K, York

Nicholas Hu, a core member of GPCN, made a significant contribution to the organization's treasury by donating 200 ETH. This funding supports operator salaries and workstream grants, which are crucial for GPCN's daily operations. The donation has been transferred into a multi-sig co-stewarded by BigSong, K, and York to ensure that the funds are safe and used for their designated purposes.

In addition, Hu has designed effective portfolio management strategies to hedge market risks, while BigSong executes the trades to ensure that investments are secure and profitable.

GPCN 的核心成员 Nicholas Hu 通过捐赠 200 ETH 为该组织的财政做出了重要贡献。这笔资金支持 OP 薪酬和 WS 资助,这对 GPCN 的日常运营非常重要。捐款已转入由 BigSong、K 和 York 共同管理的多签账户中,以确保这些资金安全并用于其指定目的。该账户以完全公开透明的方式运作。

此外,Hu 设计了有效的投资组合管理策略以对冲市场风险,由 BigSong 来执行交易以确保投资安全和盈利。

 Highlight 4 

Let’s ReFi

ReFi 研究小组

🎙️ Lead:


🗣 Contributor:

Shannon, K, Man, Weiwei, Elaina

🤝 Advisor:

Yushi Chen

Let's ReFi is a research project focused on Regenerative Finance (ReFi), led by Bubai, a crypto investment manager with an interest in environmental science. The project ran for two months and was mentored by Yushi Chen, a PhD at University of Sussex. The team is composed of researchers from diverse backgrounds, ranging from ESG practitioners to management consultants.

The research methodology involves quantitative analysis such as network analysis, and qualitative analysis such as literature review. Furthermore, the project hosts weekly lectures where researchers share information about one ReFi product each week, including Moss.earth, Celo, KlimaDAO, Toucan, and the Crypto Climate Accord. The project has also published an in-depth report on ReFi.

"Let's ReFi"是一个专注于再生金融(ReFi)的研究项目,由 Web3 投研从业者 Bubai 发起和主导。该项目运行了两个月,团队由来自于 ESG 和咨询背景。研究方法包括网络分析等定量分析和文献综述等定性分析。此外,项目每周会举行 ReFi 产品分享会,覆盖了 Moss.earth、Celo、KlimaDAO、Toucan 和 Crypto Climate Accord 等项目。该项目发布了一份万字的深度 ReFi 报告。

 Highlight 5 



🎙️ Lead:


🗣 Core Contributor:

Survivor, Maidou, BigSong, Lauran, Yan

🗣 Content Contributor:

Chen, LouisYip, smiley, DaMian, Arvin, Misaki, Cici, Owen

DAOAtlas is a dashboard created specifically for Impact DAOs, and was inspired by the book "ImpactDAOs". The team values objectivity, openness, and positive externalities in our approach to developing this product.

The aim with DAOAtlas is to introduce more people to the world of DAOs and guide them towards a brighter future. Through this platform, users can find interesting fields to contribute to, or join a DAO and help achieve their goals. Additionally, they can meet like-minded individuals and create their own DAOs to build and achieve what they want.

The product also strives to connect DAOs with the real world by bridging the gap between this new form of collaboration and traditional business. By observing the impact of DAOs on the real world, we can unlock their full potential. DAOAtlas is designed to serve participants, investors, and researchers who share our vision and values for DAOs, as well as pragmatists who are looking to solve real-world issues using this innovative technology.

DAOAtlas 是专门为 Impact DAOs 打造的产品看板,灵感来源于《ImpactDAOs》一书。该团队在开发这个产品时,注重客观性、开放性和积极外部性。

DAOAtlas 的目标是向更多人介绍 DAO 的世界,并引导他们走向更光明的未来。通过这个平台,用户可以找到有趣的领域来贡献,或加入一个 DAO 来帮助实现他们的目标。此外,他们可以结识志同道合的人,并创建自己的 DAO 来构建和实现他们想要的事情。

该产品还努力将 DAO 与现实世界联系起来,弥合这种新形式的协作和传统业务之间的差距。通过观察 DAO 对现实世界的影响,我们可以释放其全部潜力。DAOAtlas 旨在为那些与我们有 DAO 愿景和价值观的参与者、投资者和研究人员,以及那些希望使用这种创新技术解决现实问题的实用主义者服务。

 Highlight 6 

DeSoc Talk: Decentralized Science

DeSci 圆桌系列

🎙️ Lead :

K, BigSong

🗣 Speaker :

Crow, Bubble, Karl, Vera, Lewis

🤝 Guest :

Aden Chen, Bella Yu, Han, York, Leo Kwok

The DeSci movement emerged as an alternative to TradSci, addressing the many shortcomings of the traditional academic community. Can we leverage the current network system to build a better organizational structure that combines academic skills and resources on the value internet, and encourages efficient teamwork?

DeSci Talk is a series of six roundtable episodes about DeSci, featuring a diverse group of crypto builders and traditional professionals. In each episode, we bring together DeSci researchers and specialists from different backgrounds, such as IP law, biochemistry, and academia, to explore the fascinating topic of DeSci. Our guests share their unique perspectives and insights on how DeSci is shaping the future of technology and science, and how we can harness its power for the benefit of society. Throughout the series, we delve deep into the intricacies of DeSci, examining its potential applications, ethical implications, and the challenges and opportunities it presents for different industries.

DeSci(去中心化科研)运动作为 TradSci 的一种替代方案出现,解决了传统学术界的许多不足之处。我们能否利用当前的网络系统,在价值互联网上建立更好的组织结构,将学术技能和资源结合起来,鼓励高效的团队合作?

《DeSci Talk》是一系列关于 DeSci 的圆桌讨论,共有六个部分,邀请了来自不同领域的 crypto 建设者和传统专业人士。在每一集中,我们汇聚了来自不同背景(如 IP 法律、生物化学和学术界)的 DeSci 研究人员和专家,探讨有关 DeSci 的迷人话题。我们的嘉宾分享了他们独特的观点和见解,讨论了 DeSci 如何塑造科技和科学的未来,以及如何利用它的力量造福社会。在整个系列中,我们深入研究了 DeSci 的复杂性,探讨了它的潜在应用、道德影响,以及对不同行业带来的挑战和机遇。

#1 A Brief History of Decentralized Science (DeSci): Past, Present, and Future

#2 Molecule Protocol: Fly over the Death Valley of Biotech with IP-NFT?

#3 VitaDAO: What if aging and death are not the endgame of humanity?

#4 DeSci x DID: Niche Market of Decentralized Academic Identity

#5 LabDAO: Peer-to-peer CRO Market and On-chained Knowledge-graph

#6 Ants Review & Decentralized Science, Decentralized Peer Review

 Highlight 7 

WAMO Summer in Dali

大理瓦猫之夏 Web3 大会

🎙️ Lead:

BigSong, Nicholas Hu

🗣 Contributor:

Survivor, K, York, Lauran, Carol

WAMO Summer is the first decentralized crypto conference in China, attracting over 100 contributors, 10,000 participants, and numerous organizations from all over the country. It was hosted in Dali City, once an ancient kingdom of the Bai ethnicity, and now an autonomous city known as a hub for digital nomads and spiritual seekers.

Prior to WAMO Summer, all conferences were business-oriented summits hosted by institutions. GPCN, a proponent of decentralization, helped to co-launch WAMO Summer in Dali. At WAMO Summer, all organizations and contributors are free to create a sub-stage, turning every street in Dali into a hub for different crypto themes. GPCN provided the initial funding and core organizers to support WAMO Summer, and also led a main stage called DeSoc, which focused on the social implications and philosophy behind crypto. Additionally, GPCN promoted the concept of Greenpill and distributed Greenpill translation books and T-shirts to a wide audience.

瓦猫之夏是国内第一个去中心化 web3 会议,吸引了来自全国各地的 100 多个贡献者、1000 多名参与者和众多组织。它在大理市举行,一个数字游民和可持续社区的聚集地。

在瓦猫之夏前,国内所有的主流会议都是由机构主办的商业性峰会。抱着去中心化的的信仰,GreenPill CN 共同发起和建设了瓦猫之夏活动。在活动上,所有的组织和贡献者都可以自由地创建分会场,将大理的每条街道都变成了不同 web3 主题的聚集地。GreenPill CN 提供了初始资金和核心组织者,并且还主导了一个名为 DeSoc 的主舞台,关注 crypto 背后的社会理论和哲学。此外,GreenPill CN 推广了 Greenpill 的概念,并向广大受众分发了翻译书籍和 T 恤。

 Highlight 8 

Gitcoin Grant GR15, DeSci Round

Gitcoin Grant GR15, DeSci 主题轮

🎙️ Lead:

Nicholas Hu, K

🗣 Contributor:


GPCN has donated to the DeSci Round to support the development of these projects. To further promote the Decentralized Science Round, GPCN has organized panel talks in the Chinese community. These talks are designed to introduce DeSci projects to the community and to educate people about the grant and its underlying principles.

Additionally, GPCN has created an online community for grantees. This community provides a platform for grantees to connect with one another and to share their experiences and insights. Finally, GPCN has offered timely assistance to those who have questions about the application process for the Decentralized Science Round.

GreenPill CN 成为了 Gitcoin Grant GR15 中,DeSci 主题轮的机构捐赠方。为了进一步推广去中心化科学,GreenPill CN 还在中国社区组织了专题讲座系列,旨在向社区介绍 DeSci 项目,并教育人们有关该资助和其基本原则。此外,GreenPill CN 还为资助获得者创建了一个在线群组,使 grantee 可以相互联系,分享他们的经验和见解,并为资助申请过程的问题提供及时的帮助。

 Highlight 9 

Greenpill Podcast Studying 

& Translation Group


🎙️ Lead:


🗣 Contributor:


By tracking and learning from the "GreenPill" podcast, we can keep pace with the web3 thought leaders in the world and promote timely information dissemination. It also enhances our understanding of GreenPill concepts and ecosystem, and sparks more discussions about the latest ideas. This study-group project aligns with the positioning of the GreenPill Chinese community as a public sphere where a collective of Commons Builders explore Crypto Thought together.

Adopting a format that combines text output with collaborative learning through discussion has many benefits:

- Podcasts that are around 60 minutes long can be condensed into 5-10 minutes of readable text, making the content more valuable to both readers and listeners.

- The GreenPill podcast is released regularly and complements the book output, making it more accessible. Podcasts have lower barriers to entry than books and are easier to understand.

- Discussing the content in collaborative learning sessions can help participants better understand the content.

- This can also serve as an optional onboarding method for those who are new to the GreenPill community and philosophy.

GreenPill 中文社区,起源于早期贡献者对 Kevin Owocki (Gitcoin 的创始人)所撰《GreenPilled: How Crypto Can Regenerate The World》一书的共读。自然地,我们在持续关注 GreenPill 加密思潮的最新动态。因此,持续跟踪和共学 《GreenPill》 播客,也是在跟上可再生加密思潮的最新前沿:

- 60 分钟左右的音频反刍为 5-10 分钟可读完的文字,在听者之外服务读者,对播客内容的价值提升。

- 及时性、周期性的 GreenPill 播客输出,同阶段性、半衰期长的书籍输出(特指《GreenPilled: How Crypto Can Regenerate The World》一书)是互补关系。而播客素材比书籍相比,打开阻力小,易吸收。

- 共学会上对内容展开讨论,能够加强小伙伴对相关内容的感知力。

- 能帮助未加入社区的小伙伴了解到 GreenPill 理念,作为 Onboarding 的一个可选项。

 Highlight 10 

Ethereum Translation Squad (ETS)

ETS - 以太坊翻译小队

🎙️ Lead:

Zik, York

🗣 Contributor:

Diamond, Wonder, Carol, Flytoufu, Roy, 0xhhh, Dragon Horn

The Ethereum Translation Squad (ETS) strives to offer the highest-quality Chinese translations of Ethereum-related articles. By doing so, ETS not only upholds the integrity of the content, but also helps to increase the Chinese community's comprehension of the Ethereum ecosystem. ETS has recently implemented two initiatives:

- Ethereum Chinese-English Translation Terminology Standard: ETS’s team, together with the ECN and the Ethereum Official Website Chinese Group, has launched an initiative to maintain the "Ethereum Chinese-English Translation Terminology Standard". The aim is to maintain a public and high-quality Chinese-English terminology database that can benefit translators, readers, and even AI. This is also a small attempt at inter-organizational collaboration.

- Vitalik Blog Chinese Synchronization: ETS have also initiated the "Vitalik Blog Chinese Synchronization" project, which has received support from the community. They call on more partners to participate in the translation of Vitalik's blog, and jointly maintain a Chinese synchronization site for Vitalik's blog to ensure the translation quality and contribute to the Chinese community's understanding of the Ethereum world in a more convenient and rapid way.

ETS 小队与以太坊其他中文社区一起,将以太坊世界的英文信息,更好地转译成中文信息。用以太坊所代表的去中心化社会意识形态,研究尝试建立新的社会结构形式。

ETS 小队和 ECN、以太坊官网中文小组一起,发起了「以太坊中英翻译术语规范」的维护行动,旨在维护一个公共的、高质量的中英术语对照库,无论译者或读者——甚至 AI——都可以从中获益。这同时也是一次组织间合作的小小尝试。

ETS 小队还发起了「Vitalik 博客中文同步」项目,也得到了一些社区的支持。号召更多参与 Vitalik 博客翻译的小伙伴们,共同维护一个 Vitalik 的中文博客同步站点,保证文章的翻译质量,为中文世界更便捷更快速地理解以太坊世界做点贡献。是为桥。同时,这也是 ETS 小队对组织关系的进一步探索。

 Highlight 11 

Public Goods Talk

Public Goods Talk 栏目

🎙️ Lead:

York, K

🗣 Contributor:

Wingo, BigSong

Public Goods Talk is a project that is dedicated to exploring and discussing public topics in the field of crypto public goods. Its aim is to invite projects and individuals who are committed to this field to share their recent developments, experiences, and insights. The organizers believe that this will deepen the blockchain community's understanding of the field of public goods and foster collaboration between different projects. Public Goods Talk also provides support and services that are tailored to the needs of projects and individuals in this field. In addition to discussing specific projects, Public Goods Talk also probes the concept of public goods and the mechanism design behind it. The organizers believe that a deeper understanding of these concepts will help us to create more effective and sustainable public goods.

Public Goods Talk is named in tribute to the Bitcointalk forum and serves as a cross-community program dedicated to promoting open communication within the blockchain community and facilitating the exchange of ideas in the field of public goods.

Public Goods Talk 定位于探讨加密公共物品领域的公共话题,一方面会邀请致力于该领域的项目方和个人分享自己最近的动态,深化区块链社区对于公共物品领域的理解。并且为这个领域的项目方和个人提供她 / 他们可能需要的支持和服务。第二个公共话题的来源是 vitailik 关于公共物品的文章。

🗣 关于 GreenPill 中文社区

GreenpillCN is a public sphere where a collective of Commons Builders explores Crypto Thoughts together.

GreenPill 中文社区是一群受 GreenPill 思想影响和感召的 Web3 爱好者、社会建设者和互联网公民自发组织的公益性社区。社区旨在建立探索公共物品治理的跨组织协作架构,在 ImpactDAOs、社区间建立桥梁,共同探讨前沿理念,传播与践行 GreenPill 可再生经济学,改进协调失灵,重塑健康生态。GreenPill 中文社区已组织了 GreenPill 等书的翻译以及读书会,目前正在筹备聚焦去中心化社会内各领域的 DeSoc 20 讲分享会、面向内外的英文播客 DAOTalk、DAOTech 公共技术分享 / 视频等,期望通过栏目链接更多的节点,创造对外价值。

Telegram : https://t.me/+iJvdLeLVsIU2Nzdl

Notion : https://greenpillcn.notion.site




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