一封 GreenPill CN 的来信:旧的回望,新的启程
2023-06-09 14:20


A letter from GreenPill CN

In retrospect and in prospect

Hello friends! 

We want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your interest in our work. It's been an incredible journey over the past year. Over the past year, we have formed an active core team, translated books and articles, organized panel series, donated to public goods, collaborated with partners, organized IRL summits, and flyed around for conference-hopping - It has been a wonderful journey! If you'd like to delve into the details of our achievements, please refer to the attached community document, lovingly compiled by our dedicated team members three months ago.

While starting as a local chapter of GreenPill was a fantastic way to establish a close-knit community and find common ground, we've come to realize that in order to grow into a larger and sustainable organization, we need to expand our horizons beyond the local level. Our focus now lies on producing authentic content rather than just translations. As a result, our community is evolving into a think tank that centers around public goods and commons theory, with GreenPill China becoming a subset of our broader initiatives. In the future, we won't limit our membership to Chinese individuals, and we'll create content that resonates with a global audience.

Let's catch up on some exciting community updates:

· Starting in June, we're thrilled to have Michael Bauwens as the mentor for our research on commons theory and the history of peer-to-peer networks. We're in the process of building a crypto scholarship program in the enchanting city of Chiangmai, Thailand.

· We're collaborating with a renowned research organization based in Switzerland to establish a joint research team focused on commons theory and network states.

· As part of our efforts, we're assembling a team of governance solutions engineers, consisting of sociology students, product managers, and software engineers. Together, we aim to design effective governance mechanisms and develop corresponding governance tools.

· Embracing the spirit of Participatory Governance, we're venturing into metagovernance. This involves acquiring governance tokens or NFTs, studying governance principles, and generating insightful articles. Currently, our target communities include Nouns and Gitcoin (DeSci).

If you happen to be in China (Shanghai/Shenzhen/Dali), Thailand (Chiangmai), or Japan (Kyoto) this year, please don't hesitate to reach out to our members. We'd love to grab a cup of coffee together and chat in person! Keep in mind that many of our members are nomadic, so you might even run into them in exciting cities like Berlin, Lisbon, or San Francisco.

To stay connected and engaged, we encourage you to join our Telegram Group. It serves as our main forum for discussions (we apologize for primarily using Mandarin at this moment, but fear not, Telegram has an auto-translate function!). Feel free to shoot me a message as well if you'd like to discuss anything or learn more about our vibrant community. You can find me on Telegram with the handle @kay_yu1.

Once again, thank you for your interest in our work. Together, we can make a positive impact on the world. Let's embark on this incredible journey together! 🌟


一封 GreenPill CN 的来信:



感谢你们对本社区的关注!过去一年是一段不可思议的旅程。在这段时间里,我们组建了一支积极的核心团队,翻译了书籍和文章,组织了研讨会系列,捐赠了公共物品,与伙伴社区展开了合作,组织了线下峰会,还为 conference-hopping 在世界各地当空中达人 —— 这是一段美妙的经历!如果你想深入了解我们过去一年的成就,请点击下面的图片,参阅 GreenPill 中文社区一周年高光时刻盘点

以 GreenPill 的 local chapter 的形式启动,是建立紧密社群和寻求共识的绝佳方式!但同时我们也意识到了,如果要发展成一个更大规模、更可持续的组织,我们需要超越华语地域的局限,并专注于原创内容的输出。因此,社区将转型为一个以加密思潮和公共理论为核心议题的赛博智库,而过去在 GreenPill China 上的工作将被收拢于项目组,成为本组织的一个工作子集。未来,我们在成员、语言和内容上,将不再局限于一个「中文区」,而是会去尝试触达全球受众。


· 我们非常高兴地宣布 Michel Bauwens(P2P 基金会创始人)将担任我们的公共理论和 P2P 网络历史研究的导师,正计划在泰国清迈建立一个「清迈青年学者驻地奖学金」计划。

· 我们正在与位于瑞士的一家知名研究机构达成合作关系,共同建立一个专注于公共理论和网络国家的联合研究团队。

· 我们将秉持「参与式治理」的精神,进军元治理(metagovernance)领域。这涉及购买治理代币或 NFT、研究治理原则并撰写深入的文章。目前,我们的目标治理社区包括Nouns 和 Gitcoin(DeSci)


如果你恰好身处国内(上海 / 深圳 / 大理)、泰国(清迈)或日本(京都),快来联系社区成员一起喝杯咖啡,进行面对面的交流吧!同时许多成员也都是 nomad,所以你可能会在柏林、里斯本或旧金山等城市中与他们相遇。

为了保持联系,鼓励你加入我们的Telegram 群组(这是我们的主要讨论场域)!如果你想讨论任何事情或了解更多关于社群内容,请可以随时给OP 运营人员(K/ 大松 /twone)发消息。

再次感谢你们对我们工作的关注。让我们一起携手为世界带来 positive sum 吧!🌟

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