最近一周没有写文章,因为有的时间都用来做了一个我的开源项目 Piiwee 。写代码,对于我来说,是一个和打游戏,吸食毒品类似的行为,一开始就停不下来,所以侵占了所有写文章的时间。
大家也可以用 PIP 直接安装:
pip install piiwee
在 Python 世界,大家经常用 Peewee 做数据库的 ORM (对象关系映射),用 FastAPI 做服务器,但是,在这两个优秀的工具和最终的前端使用者之间,还有一个空隙。这个空隙包括了大多数系统都需要用到的
1. RESTful 的数据访问。对于任何类型的数据,通过类型和 id 获取信息,比如 /employees/1088, /customers/103 等等。如果自己有很多的数据库表格,可以在拥有权限的前提下,把所有希望提供服务的对象用这种 RESTful 的方式提供给前端。
2. 查询某个类型的所有对象,比如 /offices/,/orders/
3. 支持相关联的查询,比如某个办公室内的所有员工: /offices/3/employees, 或者某个订单的所有细节: /orders/10101/details
4. 所有的多对象查询,支持分页:?size=5&page=1
5. 支持排序,比如 ?sort=city, -created(就是按照 city 升序排序,再按照 -created 降序。
6. 支持 filter ,比如 ?filter=((role=="superman"+and+created>"2023-7-2")+or+id<=2)。Filter 后支持所有可能的 SQL 查询操作,并且可以多层嵌套。
7. 支持 fields 选择,比如 ?fields=employee_number,extension
8. 表级别的权限控制,比如缺省所有的表都不可读和写。但是对于给定的表格,可以指定特定的用户,或者所有的用户有读的权限,对于特定表,只允许特定的用户写。
9. 字段级别的权限控制。有一些 field 对于其他用户只能看(比如 Employee 对象的 last_name),有的不能看(比如 Employee 的 mobile,或者 Order 的 price),而对于自己是拥有者的对象,有的字段可以看,也可以写(比如 mobile ),有的不能看但是可以写(比如 channel),有的可以看但不能写(比如 role,quota)。
10. 支持更新对象,比如 UPDATE /employees/1088,当然这个也是在当前用户有写权限的时候才会生效,否则报异常。
11. 支持删除一个给定类型和 ID 的对象
12. 所有的操作支持缓存。缓存可以使用服务器的内存,也可以使用 Redis 等外部的缓存服务。最终所有通过 id 存取的对象不再访问 MySQL,直接从 Redis 服务。对于单个对象存储,或者 select 出来的对象集合都生效。在数据库不变的情况下,保证大多数的数据访问在 0.6 ms 以内。
这是我们最近几周每个周一晚上「乐高日」的命题,我的项目是我的版本的答案。本着我信奉的「短的代码是好代码」的原则,实现如上功能的 Piiwee 模块的代码量 216 行(加上 534 行注释)。
这张功能列表应该被无数的程序员对于特定的应用实现过很多遍了,所以 piiwee 就想用一个简单的实现,帮助大家不用每个项目都花时间做这些基本的工作。
从 filter、sort、fields 等的字符串生成 peewee.Expression 类型的表达式。我很惊讶 peewee 自己不提供 str2expression 这样的解析器,所以需要借用 AST 写一个通用的字符串解析器。
SELECT 类型的缓存。所谓计算机领域的难题,只有两个,其中一个就是缓存过期问题(另一个是变量命名问题)。对于 SELECT 所表达的集合中,只要任何一行发生变化,整个缓存可能变化,也可能不变化。如何找到最好的缓存过期的策略的平衡点,花了些时间。
如何用尽量少,却又尽量可读、优雅的方式写代码。最终的代码,基本上做到了我对自己的代码的要求:每个函数代码不超过 7 行。(除了两三个「排比」类型的函数,一行到三行的函数居多)
欢迎大家帮我做 code review。如果有 bug (必然会有的,这只是第一个版本)欢迎提交 Pull Request。
注:好久没有写代码了。这个项目至少说明自己还是会写代码的。Piiwee.py 的代码在「阅读原文」中可以看到。
""" Adding cache, permissoin control, RESTful API to peewee
Peewee is a great ORM, and FastAPI is a great web framework. However, there
is a gap between them. Thousands of developers write their own caching,
permission control, and biuld RESTful API for frontend. This library is
trying to fill the gap. Refer to example folder for usage.
import ast
import base64
import hashlib
import logging
import operator
import pickle
import random
from functools import partialmethod, reduce
from itertools import combinations
from typing import List, Union, Dict
from peewee import OP, Expression, Field, Model, ModelSelect
__author__ = "Jianshuo Wang"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2023, Baixing.com"
__credits__ = ["Jianshuo Wang", "Chato Development Team"]
__license__ = "MIT"
__maintainer__ = "Jianshuo Wang"
__email__ = "jianshuo@hotmail.com"
__status__ = "Production"
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def operator_name(op: ast.operator) -> str:
"""Get the operator name from the ast.operator
op (ast.operator): The operator from ast
str: Upper case operator name like "AND" or "OR"
>>> operator_name(ast.And())
>>> operator_name(ast.Eq())
return OP.get(op.__class__.__name__.upper())
def expr(exp: Union[ast.AST, Expression, str], model: Model) -> Expression:
"""Convert an ast expression to a peewee expression
I am surprised that no one actually created this function.
>>> from peewee import CharField, IntegerField
>>> class User(Model):
... name = CharField()
... age = IntegerField()
>>> expr("name == 'John' and age > 18", User) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<peewee.Expression object at 0x...>
exp (Union[ast.AST, Expression, str]): _description_
model (Model): _description_
NotImplementedError: Not all ast expressions can map to
peewee expressions. Raise this error if the ast expression
is not supported yet.
Expression: The peewee Expression
if isinstance(exp, str):
return expr(ast.parse(exp, mode="eval").body, model)
if isinstance(exp, ast.Constant):
return exp.value
if isinstance(exp, ast.Name):
return getattr(model, exp.id)
if isinstance(exp, (ast.Tuple, ast.List)):
return [expr(e, model) for e in exp.elts]
if isinstance(exp, ast.UnaryOp):
return (
expr(exp.operand, model).desc()
if isinstance(exp.op, ast.USub)
else expr(exp.operand, model).asc()
if isinstance(exp, ast.BoolOp):
elements = [expr(e, model) for e in exp.values]
return (
reduce(operator.and_, elements)
if isinstance(exp.op, ast.And)
else reduce(operator.or_, elements)
if isinstance(exp, ast.Compare):
return Expression(
expr(exp.left, model),
expr(exp.comparators[0], model),
raise NotImplementedError(f"Expression [{exp}] not supported yet")
def ensure_tuple(data) -> tuple:
"""Ensure the output is a tuple
>>> ensure_tuple(1)
>>> ensure_tuple([1, 2])
(1, 2)
>>> ensure_tuple((1, 2))
(1, 2)
data (any): any data
tuple: make sure the output is a tuple
if isinstance(data, (list, tuple)):
return tuple(data)
return (data,)
def field_eq(
exp: Union[Expression, Field], field: Union[Field, str]
) -> Union[str, None]:
"""Get the value from the expression for the specified fields.
For example, expression reprsentation of "a = 1 AND b = 2",
and field = a will return "1".
>>> from peewee import CharField, IntegerField
>>> class User(Model):
... name = CharField()
... age = IntegerField()
>>> field_eq(Expression(User.name, "=", "John"), "name")
>>> field_eq(Expression(Expression(User.name, "=", "John"),
... 'AND',
... Expression(User.age, "=", 18)), "age")
exp (Union[Expression, Field]): The expression to get the value from
field (Union[Field, str]): The name or Field representing the field
str | None: the value of the field, or None if not found
if isinstance(exp, Expression):
if exp.op == "AND":
return field_eq(exp.lhs, field) or field_eq(exp.rhs, field)
if exp.op == "=":
return exp.rhs if exp.lhs.name in field_names([field])[0] else None
return None
def field_names(fields: List[Union[Field, str]]) -> List[str]:
"""Get the string names of the fields
>>> field_names(["a", "b"])
['a', 'b']
>>> from peewee import CharField, IntegerField
>>> class User(Model):
... name = CharField()
... age = IntegerField()
>>> field_names([User.name, User.age])
['name', 'age']
fields (List[Union[Field, str]]): The fields to get the names from
List[str]: A list of string names of the fields
return [f.name if isinstance(f, Field) else f.strip() for f in fields]
def all_combinations(names: List[str]) -> List[tuple]:
"""Generate all combinations of the names, from empty set, to two,
three or more elements of combinations, until the result is the same
length as the list.
>>> list(all_combinations(["a", "b"]))
[(), ('a',), ('b',), ('a', 'b')]
>>> list(all_combinations([]))
names (List[str]): The elements to generate combinations from
List[tuple[str]]: The combinations of the names
for i in range(len(names) + 1):
yield from combinations(names, i)
def md5(data: str) -> str:
"""Generate the md5 hash of the data
data (str): The data
str: The md5 hash
return hashlib.md5(data.encode("UTF-8")).hexdigest()
def flat(items: dict, sep: str = "=", join: str = ":") -> str:
"""Flatten a dictionary to a string. Key and value are separated by `sep`,
and each key-value pair is separated by `join`.
>>> flat({"a": 1, "b": 2})
>>> flat({"a": 1, "b": 2}, sep=":", join="=")
items (dict): the dictionary to flatten
sep (str, optional): the seperator. Defaults to "=".
join (_type_, optional): the joiner. Defaults to ":".
str: the flattened string
items = items or {}
return join.join([f"{key}{sep}{value}" for key, value in items.items()])
def getattrs(obj: Union[dict, object, Expression], names: List[str]) -> dict:
"""A helper to get the attributes from an object, a dict or
an peewee expression.
>>> getattrs({"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}, ["a", "b"])
{'a': 1, 'b': 2}
>>> class User:
... def __init__(self, name, age):
... self.name = name
... self.age = age
>>> getattrs(User("John", 20), ["name", "age"])
{'name': 'John', 'age': 20}
obj (Union[dict, object, Expression]): the object to
get the attributes from
names (List[str]): the names to get attrabutes for
dict: a dict with names as keys, and values as values
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return {name: obj.get(name) for name in names if name in obj}
if isinstance(obj, Expression):
return {name: field_eq(obj, name) for name in names if field_eq(obj, name)}
if isinstance(obj, object):
return {name: getattr(obj, name) for name in names if hasattr(obj, name)}
return {}
class MemoryStore(dict):
"""A memory version of Redis store."""
def hget(self, key: str, tag: str):
"""Get the value of the key and tag from memory store.
>>> m = MemoryStore()
>>> m.hset("key", "tag", "This is the data")
>>> m.hget("key", "tag")
'This is the data'
key (str): the key
tag (str): a sub key
str: the stored data
return self.get(key, {}).get(tag)
def hset(self, key: str, tag: str, value: str):
"""Set the value of the key and tag in memory store.
key (str): key
tag (str): sub key
value (str): The value to be set into the memory store
self.setdefault(key, {})[tag] = value
def delete(self, *keys) -> None:
"""Delete the specified keys from the memory store.
Clear the whole store once for every 1000 calls,
to avoid memory leak.
*keys: the keys to be cleared
for key in keys:
self.pop(key, None)
if random.randint(1, 1000) == 1:
class Cache:
_store = MemoryStore()
def set_store(cls, store: object):
"""Set the store for the cache. It should be an instance of Redis
or MemoryStore that implement hget, hset, and delete functions.
Redis is preferred sicne MemoryStore can only work on a single
server. If you are using multiple servers, you should use Redis.
store (object): MemoryStore or Redis
cls._store = store
def get_key(cls, key: str, sub_keys: dict = None) -> str:
"""Get the key for the cache. It is the class name, the key,
and the sub keys.
>>> Cache.get_key("key", {"a": 1, "b": 2})
>>> Cache.get_key("key")
>>> Cache.get_key("key", {})
>>> Cache.get_key("key", None)
key (str): the key
sub_keys (dict, optional): the sub keys. Defaults to None.
str: the key
return f"{cls.__name__}:{key}:{flat(sub_keys)}"
def dumps(cls, data: any) -> str:
"""Dumps the data to a string so that it can be stored in
cache system like Redis.
data (any): the data to be dumped
str: the dumped data
return base64.encodebytes(pickle.dumps(data))
def loads(cls, value: str) -> any:
"""Loads the data from a string.
value (str): the string to be loaded
any: the loaded data
return pickle.loads(base64.decodebytes(value))
def get_cache(
key: str,
func: callable,
tag: str = "-",
sub_keys: dict = None,
) -> any:
"""Get the data from cache. If the data is not in cache,
call the function to get the data, and store it in cache.
The *args, and **kwargs will be passed to func().
>>> Cache.get_cache("key", lambda: "This is the data")
'This is the data'
>>> Cache.get_cache("key", operator.add, 1, 3)
'This is the data'
>>> Cache.clear_cache("key")
>>> Cache.get_cache("key", operator.add, 1, 3)
>>> Cache.clear_cache(Cache.get_key("key"), raw_key=True)
>>> Cache.get_cache("key", operator.add, 1, 4)
key (str): the key
func (callable): the function to get the data
tag (str, optional): the tag to use as hash key. Defaults to "-".
sub_keys (dict, optional): the sub keys. Defaults to None.
any: the data
key = cls.get_key(key, sub_keys)
if value := cls._store.hget(key, tag):
logger.debug(f"Cache HIT {key} {tag} {value[:20]}...")
return cls.loads(value)
data = func(*args, **kwargs)
cls._store.hset(key, tag, cls.dumps(data))
logger.debug(f"Cache MISS {key} {tag}")
return data
def clear_cache(cls, *keys, raw_key=False):
"""Clear the cache for the specified keys.
*keys: the keys to be cleared
raw_key (bool, optional): whether the key is raw key
or needs to be prefixed by get_key() . Defaults to False.
raw_keys = [key if raw_key else cls.get_key(key) for key in keys]
for key in raw_keys:
logger.debug(f"Cache DELETED {key}")
class CachedModelSelect(ModelSelect, Cache):
def __iter__(self):
"""Iterate through the results with cache enabled.
The cache key is the model name, suffixed by the indexed fields
and values in the where clause. The cache tag is the md5 of the
whole SQL text.
For example, if the model name is "User", and the where clause
is "User.id == 1", the cache key is "Cache:User:id=1", and the cache
tag is the md5 of the whole SQL text.
Please is a sample Cache Key, and Tag:
Key: CachedModelSelect:ChatoDomain:creator=3
Tag: 65702969e839a655eeaea0e89243efe9
list: the results of the SELECT query, served from cache
if possible
assert len(self._from_list) == 1, "Only one table is allowed by cache"
yield from self.get_cache(
sub_keys=getattrs(self._where, field_names(self.model.index_fields())),
func=lambda: list(super(ModelSelect, self).__iter__()),
def sql_text(self) -> str:
"""The SQL text of the SELECT query.
str: the SQL text
t, d = self.sql()
return t % tuple(d)
def _call(self, func: str, *expressions):
"""Pass the arguments to the function, and return the result.
Before doing that, make sure the expression is a tuple, and
only call the function if the first expression is not None."""
if expressions and expressions[0] is not None:
if isinstance(expressions[0], str):
expressions = ensure_tuple(expr(expressions[0], self.model))
return getattr(super(), func)(*expressions)
return self
where = partialmethod(_call, "where")
select = partialmethod(_call, "select")
order_by = partialmethod(_call, "order_by")
class CachedModel(Model, Cache):
def get_by_id(cls, id: int):
"""Get the model by id with cache enabled."""
return cls.get_cache(id, super().get_by_id, id)
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Save the model with cache enabled.
int: the number of row saved
self.clear_cache(*self.cache_keys(), raw_key=True)
return super().save(*args, **kwargs)
def index_fields(cls) -> List[Field]:
"""Returns a list of fields that are marked as index in the model.
List[Field]: the list of fields that are marked as index
return [f for f in cls._meta.sorted_fields if f.index]
def cache_keys(self) -> List[str]:
"""Returns a list of cache keys for the model.
It caculate which content of the cache keys MAY be changed because
of the save. For example, if the model is "User", and the index
fields are "id" and "name", the following cache keys may contains
invalid data:
Cache:User: (The whole User table)
Depending on whether id, or name, or both id and name appeared in
the SELECT query, the data may be stored in either of the keys. We
just cleared all the possible combination to be safe - the clear
operation is cheap in Redis anyway.
yield self.get_key(self.id)
for keys in all_combinations(field_names(self.index_fields())):
yield CachedModelSelect.get_key(
self.__class__.__name__, getattrs(self, keys)
def select(cls, *fields) -> CachedModelSelect:
"""A small operation to create a CachedModelSelect (our Cached Version)
instead of the default ModelSelect.
I just copied the code from Model.select() and replaced the ModelSelect
CachedModelSelect: the CachedModelSelect
if not fields:
fields = cls._meta.sorted_fields
return CachedModelSelect(cls, fields)
class PermissionedModel(Model):
"""A Model with permission control. It is used to control the
permission of the model, and the fields of the model.
The permission is defined following the Unix UGO permission model.
The permission is defined as a 3-digit octal number, where the
first digit is the permission for the owner, the second digit is
the permission for the group, and the third digit is the permission
for the other users. For each digit, the value is the sum of the
following values:
1: NOT DEFINED (Please keep it 0 all the time, and may be used
for future extension)
The model permission is defined as "permission" in Meta class.
class User(Model):
class Meta:
permission = 0o606
The field permission is defined as "_hidden" in Field class:
class User(Model):
name = CharField(max_length=100, _hidden=0o604)
mobile = CharField(max_length=100, _hidden=0o600)
role = CharField(max_length=100, _hidden=0o404)
The permission above spefieid everyone can read the name, role,
but only the owner (the user him/herself) can read the mobile.
The owner can also write the name, mobile, but not role.
The permission is defined in the following order:
1. The default permission for the model
2. The permission for the field
3. The permission for the role of the user
4. The permission for the operation
PermissionError: if the user does not has the permission
for the model or the field, it will raise PermissionError.
default_model_permission = 0o606 # READ and WRITE
default_field_permission = 0o604 # OWNER READ WRITE, OTHER READ
default_role = 0o007 # OTHER
def get_role(self, user_id: int) -> int:
"""The role of the user. It is used to determine the permission
of the user. Override this function to implement your own role
management in subclasses.
user_id (int): the user id
int: the role of the user
return self.default_role
def fields(cls, op_perm: int = 0, role: int = 0) -> List[Field]:
"""Returns a list of fields that the user has the permission
to read/write.
op_perm (int, optional): the required permission. Defaults to 0.
role (int, optional): the required role. Defaults to 0.
List[Field]: the list of fields that the user has the permission
to read/write.
>>> from peewee import CharField
>>> class User(Model):
... name = CharField(max_length=100, _hidden=0o604)
... mobile = CharField(max_length=100, _hidden=0o600)
... role = CharField(max_length=100, _hidden=0o404)
... class Meta:
... permission = 0o600
Check what fields the user can write (0o200):
>>> User.fields(op_perm=0o200, role=0o700)
[<AutoField: User.id>, <CharField: User.name>, <CharField: User.mobile>]
return [
for field, permission in cls.field_perms().items()
if permission & op_perm & role
def field_perms(cls) -> Dict[Field, int]:
"""Returns a dict of fields and their permission.
Dict[Field, int]: a dict of fields and their permission
>>> from peewee import CharField
>>> class User(Model):
... name = CharField(max_length=100, _hidden=0o604)
... mobile = CharField(max_length=100, _hidden=0o600)
... role = CharField(max_length=100, _hidden=0o404)
... class Meta:
... permission = 0o600
>>> User.field_perms()
{<AutoField: User.id>: 384, <CharField: User.name>: 384, <CharField: User.mobile>: 384, <CharField: User.role>: 256}
return {f: cls.field_perm(f) for f in cls._meta.sorted_fields}
def field_perm(cls, field: Field) -> int:
"""Returns the permission of the field.
field (Field): the field
_type_: the permission of the field
>>> from peewee import CharField
>>> class User(Model):
... name = CharField(max_length=100, _hidden=0o604)
... mobile = CharField(max_length=100, _hidden=0o600)
... role = CharField(max_length=100, _hidden=0o404)
... class Meta:
... permission = 0o600
>>> oct(User.field_perm(User.name))
perm = cls.default_field_permission if field._hidden is False else field._hidden
return perm & cls.model_perm()
def model_perm(cls) -> int:
"""Returns the permission of the model.
>>> from peewee import CharField
>>> class User(Model):
... class Meta:
... permission = 0o604
>>> oct(User().model_perm())
return getattr(cls._meta, "permission", cls.default_model_permission)
def to_dict(
user_id: int = 0,
only: List[Union[Field, str]] = None,
exclude: List[Field] = None,
) -> dict:
"""Returns a dict of the model. Only the fields that the user
has the permission to read will be included.
user_id (int, optional): the user id. Defaults to 0.
only (List[Union[Field, str]], optional): the list of fields
to be included. Defaults to None. None or empty list means
all fields.
exclude (List[Field], optional): the list of fields to be
excluded. Defaults to None.
dict: a dict of the model
>>> from peewee import CharField
>>> class User(Model):
... name = CharField(max_length=100, _hidden=0o604)
... mobile = CharField(max_length=100, _hidden=0o600)
... role = CharField(max_length=100, _hidden=0o404)
... class Meta:
... permission = 0o604
>>> user = User()
>>> user.name = "John"
>>> user.mobile = "1234567890"
>>> user.role = "user"
OTHER user (default_role) can only read name and role:
>>> user.to_dict(user_id=0)
{'name': 'John', 'role': 'user'}
>>> user.to_dict(user_id=0, only=["name"])
{'name': 'John'}
The mobile is not available for OTHER user, and name is excluded:
>>> user.to_dict(user_id=0, exclude=["name"])
{'role': 'user'}
readable_fields = field_names(self.fields(0o444, self.get_role(user_id)))
readable_fields = [
for field in readable_fields
if (only is None or not any(only) or field in field_names(only))
and (exclude is None or field not in field_names(exclude))
return getattrs(self.__data__, readable_fields)
def from_dict(self, items: dict, user_id: int = 0) -> "PermissionedModel":
"""Update the model from a dict. Only the fields that the user
has the permission to write will be updated. If the user does
not have the permission to write the field, it will raise
items (dict): the dict to update the model
user_id (int, optional): the user id. Defaults to 0.
PermissionError: if the user does not have the permission
to write the field, it will raise PermissionError.
PermissionedModel: the updated model
>>> from peewee import CharField
>>> class User(Model):
... name = CharField(max_length=100, _hidden=0o604)
... mobile = CharField(max_length=100, _hidden=0o600)
... role = CharField(max_length=100, _hidden=0o404)
... class Meta:
... permission = 0o604
>>> user = User()
>>> props = {"name": "John", "mobile": "1234567890", "role": "admin"}
>>> user.from_dict(props, user_id=0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
PermissionError: Field name is not writable for user 0
>>> user.from_dict(props, user_id=1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
PermissionError: Field name is not writable for user 1
writable_fields = self.fields(0o222, self.get_role(user_id))
for key, value in items.items():
if key in field_names(writable_fields):
setattr(self, key, value)
raise PermissionError(f"Field {key} is not writable for user {user_id}")
return self
class BaseModel(PermissionedModel, CachedModel, Model):
"""The final model that is used in the application. It is a
combination of PermissionedModel and CachedModel.
Any sub class Model will have the following features out of box.
1. Permission control
2. Cache control