Web3 Reputation Protocol TopScore Joins Chainlink BUILD
KNN3 Network
2023-09-13 21:11

One-sentence blurb: TopScore is an on-chain reputation protocol aiming to build a hub for Web3 digital identity.

We’re excited to announce that TopScore is officially joining the Chainlink BUILD program. As a part of BUILD, we aim to accelerate ecosystem growth and long-term adoption of Web3 data analytics and on-chain reputation by gaining enhanced access to Chainlink’s industry-leading oracle services and technical support, as well as incentivizing greater cryptoeconomic security, in exchange for a commitment to provide network fees and other benefits to the Chainlink community and service providers, including stakers.

As an application by KNN3 ecosystem, TopScore has long been an active participant and believer in Chainlink. Our participation in BUILD furthers our integration with Chainlink, with added benefits of priority support from the Chainlink ecosystem, increased access to dApps and users needing on-chain analytics, reputation services, and more, and stronger incentive alignment between the Chainlink and TopScore communities.

We’re confident that through enhanced support, secure off-chain services, and the backing of Chainlink’s vibrant community, we can accelerate awareness of TopScore and realize the adoption of on-chain reputation as a robust form of digital identity.

TopScore: Reshaping On-Chain Reputation

TopScore’s mission is to reshape on-chain reputation and identity into a measurable score that encompasses a wide variety of factors, from social media engagement to participation in DeFi protocols, attendance at Web3 events, domain names, and more. The goal is to provide users with the on-chain (and off-chain) analytics they need to understand and continue building their on-chain reputation score.

With accurate data and the right metrics, this on-chain reputation score then becomes mission-critical for dApps and projects teams across a variety of use cases. For example, developers can build on-chain credit markets based on a reputation score, provide users with NFT allowlist access, or verify a user’s immediate social graph as proof of personhood.

Why We Joined Chainlink BUILD

TopScore joined BUILD to maximize the benefits of security and reliability that Chainlink’s oracle infrastructure provides. As part of BUILD, TopScore will receive key benefits, including access to and integration of a secure and reliable smart contract automation service through Chainlink Automation, access to off-chain data through Chainlink Data Feeds, and access to new Chainlink product alpha and beta releases, among other benefits.

In exchange for these services, TopScore will make 4% of its native token supply available to Chainlink service providers, including stakers, over time. These mutually aligned economic incentives enable both communities to support one another.

“Digital identity and on-chain reputation represent an unparalleled opportunity for users to gain sovereign ownership over their data and accomplishments. We’re excited to join Chainlink BUILD to help further TopScore’s mission, which requires a variety of on-chain services and external data types — all of which Chainlink’s industry-leading Web3 services platform provides. We look forward to continuing our collaboration together and we welcome the passionate Chainlink community into the TopScore ecosystem.” — Wenqing Yu, Founder of TopScore.

About Chainlink

Chainlink is the industry-standard Web3 services platform and has enabled trillions of dollars in transaction volume across DeFi, insurance, gaming, NFTs, and other major industries. As the leading decentralized oracle network, Chainlink enables developers to build feature-rich Web3 applications with seamless access to real-world data and off-chain computation across any blockchain and provides global enterprises with a universal gateway to all blockchains.

Learn more about Chainlink by visiting chain.link or reading the developer documentation at docs.chain.link. To discuss an integration, reach out to an expert.

About TopScore

TopScore is a user-friendly tool that enables users to create, build, and earn their social presence. Revolutionize Web3 social strategy with an AI-powered Creator Productivity Tool.


KNN3 Network


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