Hover - 创世池开启 | 龙葵社区 AMA
2023-11-20 23:44

2023 年 11 月 20 日牛初之时,Hover 项目团队的 Vincent Wu 受邀做客龙葵社区,与社区的小伙伴们深入探讨了当前技术与 Hover 创世池开启的 AMA 交流

以下是 AMA 内容

Q1 Vincent, can you tell me about your past experience and your teams? Why you create the Hover? Vincent,

你能告诉我你过去的经历和你的团队吗? 为什么要创建 Hover?

Vincent: Yes! Of course. Our team has come from a diverse backgroun of both traditional finance, and decentralized finance. For example, our marketing director Geoff has had diverse experience in marketing for tokens and their ICOs. Aileen has worked in government data analtics and research at Rome Blockchain Labs. I won’t speak to the pedigree of their team but personally I was in crypto since 2016. I worked for centralized exchanges and aggregators like Aquanow, VirgoCX, and crypto.com

We created Hover as a way to grow the KAVA ecosystem and provide them with a lending protocol in addition to ways for retail users to earn APY through their idle assets.

Vincent: 是的! 当然。 我们的团队来自传统金融和去中心化金融的多元化背景。 例如,我们的营销总监 Geoff 在代币及其 ICO 营销方面拥有丰富的经验。 艾琳曾在罗马区块链实验室从事政府数据分析和研究工作。 我不会谈论他们团队的背景,但就我个人而言,我自 2016 年起就进入了加密领域。我曾在 Aquanow、VirgoCX 和 crypto.com 等中心化交易所和聚合器工作过。

我们创建 Hover 作为发展 KAVA 生态系统的一种方式,并为他们提供借贷协议,以及零售用户通过闲置资产赚取 APY 的方式。

Q2 Can you introduce me about the Hover

能和我们介绍一下 Hover 吗?

Vincent: Yes! I love this ecosystem and building on the project side is very interesting.

Got it, so Hover is the flagship lending protocol on the KAVA ecosystem. We allow our users to lend and borrow assets in addition to using our $HOV token to earn protocol income, get discounts and rebates by using our product.

Vincent: 是的! 我喜欢这个生态系统,并且在项目方面进行构建非常有趣。

明白了,Hover 是 KAVA 生态系统上的旗舰借贷协议。 除了使用我们的 $HOV 代币赚取协议收入、通过使用我们的产品获得折扣和回扣之外,我们还允许用户借出和借入资产。

Q3 Hover is mainly a liquidity market. What are its advantages and characteristics?

Hover 主要是一个流动性市场, 它的优势和特点是什么?

Vincent: We are a lending market on the KAVA ecosystem. At the core we facilitate overcollateralized borrowing and lending. However, we’ve been designed differently from the root of our tokenomics.

One example is that we built the Hover Staking Program that allows you to get rebates on liquidations in addition to discounts on market operations.

We are aware of the developments in this space and will build innovative products to be different from traditional lending protocols.

Vincent: 我们是 KAVA 生态系统上的借贷市场。 我们的核心是促进超额抵押借贷。 然而,我们的设计与代币经济学的根源不同。

一个例子是,我们建立了 Hover Stake 计划,除了市场运营折扣之外,您还可以通过清算获得回扣。


Q4 Hover’s token is HOV. Can we learn about HOV’s token economics?

Hover 的代币是 HOV,可以了解下 HOV 的代币经济学嘛?

Vincent: Yes. We put a lot of thought into the token economics - can share here.

\(HOV works as a three tier token model. \)HOV is the tradable asset that is liquid. You can purchase $HOV through DEXs and CEXs upon launch.

esHOV and xHOV are illiquid tokens that gives you access to our Hover Staking Program. Depending on how many of these token you hold, the discounts on borrowing and lending will vary. In addition to this you will also get rebates on liquidations if you are overleveraged.

There is a core difference between esHOV and xHOV. If you do optional KYC, you can swap your esHOV to xHOV at a 1:1 ratio and earn protocol revenue. This means you do not need to sell tokens to be able to earn income from them.

This is exciting as you will earn more as we scale Hover and our lending markets.

Yeah. If you are a esHOV or xHOV holder, we will give you a rebate in both the currency you used as your collateral as well as a portion back in HOV and esHOV tokens.


Vincent: 是的。 我们对代币经济学投入了很多思考——可以在这里分享。

\(HOV 作为三层代币模型运行。 \)HOV 是流动的可交易资产。 启动后,您可以通过 DEX 和 CEX 购买 $HOV。

esHOV 和 xHOV 是非流动性代币,可让您访问我们的 Hover 质押计划。 根据您持有这些代币的数量,借贷折扣会有所不同。 除此之外,如果您过度杠杆化,您还将获得清算回扣。

esHOV 和 xHOV 之间存在核心区别。 如果您进行可选的 KYC,您可以将您的 esHOV 以 1:1 的比例交换为 xHOV 并赚取协议收入。 这意味着您无需出售代币即可从中赚取收入。

这是令人兴奋的,因为随着我们扩大 Hover 和贷款市场,您将获得更多收入。

是的。 如果您是 esHOV 或 xHOV 持有者,我们将以您用作抵押品的货币以及部分 HOV 和 esHOV 代币形式向您提供回扣。

Q5 What are the ways to get HOV tokens? Do users need to complete KYC?

HOV 的代币获取有哪些方式?是否需要完成 KYC 呢?

Vincent: You can earn HOV tokens through our Genesis Pool coming up tomorrow. By depositing your assets into our Genesis Pools, you can earn esHOV and HOV tokens during the course of the weeks before our launch.

You can get additional HOV tokens by participating in our Public Sale, or by supplying liquidity to our markets when we launch in January 2024.

Vincent: 您可以通过明天推出的创世池赚取 HOV 代币。 通过将您的资产存入我们的创世池,您可以在我们推出之前的几周内赚取 esHOV 和 HOV 代币。

您可以通过参与我们的公开发售或在 2024 年 1 月推出时向我们的市场提供流动性来获得额外的 HOV 代币。

Q6 We understand that Hover is mainly integrated on the Kava chain. Why choose Kava chain to deploy Hover? Will more public chains join?

我们了解到 Hover 主要是集成在在 Kava 链上的。为什么选择 Kava chain 来部署 Hover? 还会有更多的公链加入嘛?

Vincent: Good question! We see a great opportunity in the KAVA ecosystem that is why we are deploying there. They have an aggressive business development approach, a strong protocol builder support network, and their co-chain architecture is the most effective solution to bridging Cosmos to EVM that we’ve seen.

We also work closely with the KAVA foundation and see a lot of interesting developments which give us great confidence in deploying there.

Vincent: 好问题! 我们在 KAVA 生态系统中看到了巨大的机会,这就是我们在那里部署的原因。 他们拥有积极的业务开发方法、强大的协议构建者支持网络,并且他们的共链架构是我们所见过的连接 Cosmos 和 EVM 的最有效的解决方案。

我们还与 KAVA 基金会密切合作,看到了许多有趣的发展,这让我们对在那里部署充满信心。

Q7 Hover’s genesis pool will open soon. Can you introduce us to the genesis pool?

Hover 的 genesis pool 即将开放,能给我们介绍下 genesis pool 嘛?

Vincent: Yes! The genesis pool is an event where you can stake your tokens. We accept KAVA, USDT, ATOM onto Hover’s early pools in order to earn rewards from our Genesis Pools.

The genesis pools will be open to deposits leading up to the launch and rewards will be given for those who remain in the pools. At a certain point, the pools will be withdraw only, so make sure you enter earlt!

Vincent: 是的! 创世池是一个您可以质押代币的活动。 我们接受 KAVA、USDT、ATOM 进入 Hover 的早期池,以便从我们的创世池中赚取奖励。

创世池将在启动前向存款开放,并且将为那些留在池中的人提供奖励。 在某个时刻,池子只会被撤回,所以请确保尽早进入!

Q8 How do users participate in Hover’s genesis pool?

用户们该怎么参与到 Hover 的 genesis pool 中去呢?

Vincent: I’ll share a link actually let me pull that up

To participate into the Genesis Pools, you would need to bridge your assets to the Kava EVM Co-chain. You can do this by offramping KAVA USDT from CEXs or bridging to the KAVA ecosystem. We discuss this in greater detail in the article below:

Vincent: 我会分享一个链接,让我把它拉出来

要参与创世池,您需要将您的资产桥接至 Kava EVM Co-chain。 您可以通过从 CEX 转移 KAVA USDT 或桥接到 KAVA 生态系统来实现这一点。 我们在下面的文章中更详细地讨论这个问题:


Q9 Everyone is also very concerned about whether there will be an airdrop for Hover? In addition to users, there are many KOLs in the community. Will Hover open some ambassador programs to allow users and KOLs to participate?

大家也非常关心的是,Hover 会不会有空投?社区除了用户之外还有不少的 KOL, Hover 是否会开放一些大使计划让用户和 KOL 也参与其中呢?

Vincent: At this moment, we are doing promotional campaigns from various quest networks for stable coins only. We are looking at ambassador programs, but for now we are evaluating the demand from each jurisdiction and looking for community members to take initiative to make this happen.

Vincent: 目前,我们正在进行各种任务网络的促销活动,仅针对稳定币。 我们正在考虑大使计划,但目前我们正在评估每个司法管辖区的需求,并寻找社区成员主动实现这一目标。

Q10 Finally, please tell us about Hover’s future roadmap.

最后,请您说下 Hover 未来的路线图吧

Vincent: Following tomorrow’s Genesis Pool launch we are excited for our upcoming market launch in Q1 2024. Our TGE and Public sale is followed in quick succession also.

A large focus of ours following the TGE and Public sale will be to continue to integrate with other projects within the KAVA EVM and beyond to other zones of Cosmos. Theres so much more that we are working on in the background and we’ll have some exciting product updates to announce in 2024 so stay tuned!

继明天的创世池发布后,我们对 2024 年第一季度即将推出的市场感到兴奋。我们的 TGE 和公开发售也很快接连进行。

TGE 和公开发售之后,我们的一大重点将是继续与 KAVA EVM 内的其他项目以及 Cosmos 的其他区域进行集成。 我们正在后台开展更多工作,我们将在 2024 年宣布一些令人兴奋的产品更新,敬请期待!

最后感谢 Vincent 来到龙葵社区,希望未来的 Hover 更加强大!

Finally, thank Vincent for coming to the Sunrise Dragon Community, and hope that Hover will be stronger in the future!

以下关于 Hover 的信息








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