Juicy Yields, Serious Play
2023-12-06 14:18
Typus Finance
2023-12-06 14:18

With a whole suite of products available, it can get overwhelming for users who are new to Typus and don’t know where to start.

This is a how-to guide for leveraging all existing Typus products and earning you real yields.

Weekly Boosted Vaults

Let’s start with depositing into a vault. By depositing, you are effectively selling an option. This is a great passive strategy compared to bidding in an auction, as the vaults auto-roll the same strategy for you.

The key to this is to pick a vault that suits your risk appetite and take advantage of new incentives bundled into boosted strategies.

The weekly Scallop & 200 bps boosted vault is a great way to earn some extra yields. Depending on how you view the market and which way you see the price of $SUI swinging, you can choose to deposit into the covered call strategy or the put strategy.

These weekly vaults have an estimated APR of ~220–250 %, which is one of the highest you can find in the Sui DeFi ecosystem currently.

The yields are comprised of:

  1. Options Premium ~ 100–130 % APR
  2. Scallop lending interest ~ 20% APR
  3. Extra 200bps (2%) weekly incentive ~ 105% APR

Rewards are distributed weekly and is a great passive way to farm extra yields from Typus and Scallop without having to manually execute anything.

5X Hourly Strategies

This is one of our most aggressive strategies, selling/buying 5 options per 1 SUI every hour. We offer an additional 1 bp boosted on the hourly vaults, meaning you earn an extra 0.01% rewards even on deposits that aren’t filled.

This strategy is great for traders who are actively monitoring asset prices and want to bet big. Since the options expire hourly, a slight change in price will really affect your PnL.

The most lucrative way to participate in this strategy is actually through bidding. Every hour, auctions open on the dot for 3 minutes. Same with the weekly strategies, you can choose to bid (buy) calls or puts depending on which direction you think the market will sway.

Bidding gives you the most leverage as you get massive exposure just by paying the options premium. The risks are big but if you accurately predict the market swing, the rewards are huge too.

Hourly strategies are a great way to express short-term market views, while weekly strategies are aimed more towards long-term market views.


If I was bullish on SUI for the long-term, I can deposit into the weekly Scallop & 200 bps boosted vault and just let my capital sit there while aggregating extra incentives.

I can then combine hourly strategies into my portfolio depending on my market predictions. If I think that for the short-term, the price of SUI may fluctuate a bit. I’m staring at the charts and I think it will eventually dip, I’ll buy hourly capped puts.

If by scrolling through Twitter, I see that Sui has achieved a new milestone, or Mysten has unveiled a new feature, I will most likely buy hourly capped calls because I expect the price of SUI to shoot up in the very short-term.

These are all different ways to combine both the weekly & hourly strategies into your trading portfolio. Whether by stacking them together or employing opposite strategies to separate your short/long-term views — these are all great ways to really take advantage of any market fluctuations while farming the incentives during this liquidity incentive program.

Tails Dice²

For the extra rewards that you’ve earned through depositing in our Scallop boosted vaults or the winnings you’ve gotten from making the right predictions, a great way to try your chance at maximizing your yields is the new mini dice game.

A prerequisite is to own a Tails and have it staked on Typus.

The minimum bet amount is 1 SUI, with the chance of winning 100,000 EXP per SUI.

Through staking and leveling up your Tails, you’ll get a weekly allocation of the profit sharing pool.

The higher the level of your Tails, the more profit you get, generating real yields for those staking Tails on Typus.

By utilizing your earnings from our options vaults onto Dice², and leveling up your Tails to get a bigger share of the profit pool — this is the optimal way to generate real juicy yields on Typus.

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Typus Finance


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