In this module, Tracy Livengood and Justin Thaler provide a comprehensive introduction to the sum-check protocol and why it is so powerful, beginning with a catch-up on polynomials (univariate, multivariate, multilinear) as well as the important concept of multilinear extensions, and introduce the “equality” function. They go on to explain the mechanics of the sum-check protocol, detailing its goals and process, before walking us through the rounds of the protocol and demonstrating how it is applied. They then highlight the advantages of sum-check over other SNARK systems, and sketch the Spartan polynomial IOP. Toward the end, they delve into the Goldwasser, Kalai and Rothblum (GKR) protocol and discuss the trade-offs between this system and Spartan.
Deep dive into Circle-STARKs FFT
@ignaciohagopian wrote an article explaining the rationale and the mechanics of the specific fast Fourier transform (FFT) defined in the Circle STARKs paper.
Interview with Eli Ben-Sasson - HoZK Virtual Conference 1.0
Open sourced ZK-SecreC, a zero knowledge toolkit for building large proofs on computation. Imagine proving to someone that your health records don't have a diagnosis or that you have been staying in some are without leaking the source data.