Aptos Eden
37 内容
Whether Move the New Language is Comparatively Better?
In the new Layer 1 sector, star projects such as Aptos and Sui have obtained billions of dollars, and Move language is also regarded as a major force leading the innovation and development paradigm . So, I would like to share my opinion about "whether Move the new language is Comparatively Better".
2022-12-20 14:09
Move 新语言是否更有优势
在新生 L1 赛道中,Aptos、Sui 等明星项目都已完成了数亿美元级别的融资,且 Move 语言也被看做是引领创新、发展范式的主要推手的背景下,我将对“Move 新语言是否更有优势”的话题分享一下我个人的观点。
2022-12-20 13:49
Talking with CLV about the wallet track and early participation opportunities of Aptos
Hi everyone, thank you for coming to the AMA event held by CLV and Aptos Eden, we invited Sam, Marketing Manager of CLV and the founder of Aptos Eden to share. Here is the text review.
2022-11-27 21:02
与 CLV 谈谈钱包赛道以及 Aptos 的早期参与机会
大家好,感谢大家来参加 CLV 与 Aptos Eden 举办的 AMA 活动,我们邀请了 CLV 的 Marketing Manager Sam 和 Aptos Eden 的创始人来做分享。以下是文字回顾:
2022-11-27 20:39
How to Mint the Aptoads NFT with #2 Rarity
Recently, Aptoads NFT was launched at mint price of 6.9 APT, and the floor price surged to 20 APT shortly. We have minted the #2 Aptoads through the official rarity query tool, and it was sold at 88 APT. I will introduce the process in detail.
2022-10-25 19:07
如何 mint 出稀有度第二的 Aptoads NFT
近期 Aptoads NFT 上线 mint 价格 6.9apt,地板价短期冲到 20apt。我们通过官方提供的稀有度查询工具针对性的 mint 出稀有度第二的 Aptoads ,并以 88Apt 价格顺利出售,接下来我将过程详细介绍一下。
2022-10-25 18:58
Interactive guide to Aries Markets, the DeFi product aggregation platform on Aptos
Aries Markets is a DeFi product aggregation platform that combines DEX, lending, swaps, spot trading and account risk management. Currently, Aries Markets is open to devnet, which allows users to interact with all major features on Aries Markets.
2022-10-14 16:57
Aptos 上的 DeFi 产品聚合平台 Aries Markets 交互指南
Aries Markets 是一个集 DEX,借贷、交换、现货交易和账户风险管理与一体的 DeFi 产品聚合平台。目前,Aries Markets 开放了 devnet ,用户可以与 Aries Markets 上的所有主要功能进行交互。
2022-10-14 16:35
SeaShrine 创作者系列 — Aptos Monkeys
Aptos Monkeys 是最新一批访问 SeaShrine 的“动物”NFT 朋友。
2022-10-14 01:47
SeaShrine Creators Series — Aptos Monkeys
The Aptos Monkeys are the latest group of animal NFT friends to have visited SeaShrine.
2022-10-14 01:36
你不能错过的 5 个 Aptos NFT
ptos 的主网启动在即! 准备好抓住最受关注的 NFT。
2022-10-13 16:23
5 Aptos NFT Projects You Don’t Want to Miss
Aptos’ mainnet launch is coming! Get ready to grab the most-hyped NFTs.
2022-10-13 16:03
Martian Wallet
Martian wallet is a crypto wallet that can be used to manage digital assets and access decentralised applications on the Aptos blockchain.
2022-10-13 16:02
How to Get Access to Mover Private Alpha
How to Get Access to Mover Private Alpha
2022-10-12 22:51
Introducing Aptos Alexandria
The largest library about AptosLabs and its ecosystem bootstrap by a giant educational contest.
2022-10-10 19:37
Aptos Alexandria 活动介绍
介绍一下 Aptos Alexandria,这是一个关于 Aptos 其生态系统引导的最大的图书馆。
2022-10-10 19:25
Aptos vs. Sui: a detailed comparison
2022-10-10 15:05
Move 基础教程 -- 环境配置
Move 基础教程 -- 环境配置 --Visual Studio Code
2022-09-07 13:52
基础语法 -- 元组与引用
2022-09-04 16:41
Move 基础语法 -- 终止与断言
在实际开发中不可避免会遇到终止执行以及恢复事务的情况,Move 提供了两种解决方式 abort 关键字和 assert 方法。本章节会重点讲解。
2022-08-31 13:57


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